Impact of GDPR regulations on Salesforce Marketing Cloud

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new comprehensive data protection law (in effect May 25, 2018) in the EU that strengthens the protection of personal data in light of rapid technological developments, increased globalization, and more complex international flows of personal data.The GDPR regulates the “processing” of data for EU individuals, which includes collection, storage, transfer, or use.

In Salesforce Marketing Cloud, individual contact records can be restricted upon request. Using Marketing Cloud’s restriction of processing functionality, unsubscribes will continue to be collected while a contact is restricted. Salesforce DMP admins should have the ability to stop processing data for a given user, meaning that data will not be used in any analytical jobs that run in the product until the restriction is lifted. This can be managed using API or directly within the UI.

However, SFMC instances with multiple business units are impacted by the data restriction rules. In Salesforce Marketing cloud users and developers will no longer be able to access Synchronized Data Extensions from the child BU. Previous to GDPR, all data extensions stored at the enterprise level could be accessed at the business unit level by using the ”ENT.” prefix.

Now, to share a data extension with a business unit, you will need to ensure the data extension is stored in a shareable folder at the enterprise level. For example, it must be stored in the shared data extensions folder or subfolder, and you will then be able to query it from a child business unit using the “ENT.” prefix. The “ENT.” prefix will be still available to access system views from a child BU. New instances of SFMC do not support access to Synchronized Data Extensions from the child BU by default.

To allow time for migration to take place in Salesforce Marketing Cloud, the backend setting “Query Activity DE Sharing Validation Deferment End” can be enabled upon customer request. A grace period for this setting is extended until end of the year.

If you need help to review your instance and understand impact on your business give us a call, we have created a dedicated team to work with our customers to prepare them for the changes. Our “3.6 hours – 360° check-up” service will enable you to be up to date with any changes.